Monday, April 12, 2010

GE's Tax Payments = $0

You Pay More Tax Than General Electric
Chances are you've probably written your tax check by now, or you've been writing it throughout the year, but maybe you're wondering what your bosses are paying?

If you're General Electric, for example, you haven't paid taxes since 2008.
I caught this little nugget today, and what seems to be driving it is some phenomenal corporate skullduggery that most of us probably wish we could do with our own tax records--GE's got this subsidiary, GE Capital, which is a financial services outfit. And GE Capital has been losing just phenomenal amounts of money. While GE itself has made massive piles of money--just over ten billion in 2009--GE Capital lost six and a half billion that same year.
Since business losses are deductible, along with many other common operational expenses--and moreover, GE had a lot of profitable operations in other countries that they don't need to pay United States taxes on right away--this allowed GE's total tax obligation to be NEGATIVE one billion dollars.